The WordPress platform uses plugins as a means of extending the many functionalists that are already available. Conditional tags are functions used in WordPress themes and plugins to display content, or perform actions, based upon whether a certain condition is true or not. Today’s in our today’s we have compiled a list of some of the best free conditional tags wordpress widgets for your wordpress blogs.
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1. Restrict Widgets
Restrict Widgets is all in one solution for widget management in WordPress. It lets you easily control the pages that each widget will appear on and avoid creating multiple sidebars and duplicating widgets. You can also set who can manage widgets, which sidebars and widgets will be available to selected users, which widget options will be available and how it will be displayed.

2. Widget Manager Light
Widget Manager gives you full control over widget visibility via nice and easy interface. Every widget can now be displayed on or hidden from one or few pages. Display relevant content on your pages, posts, categories, tags, archives, custom post types, custom taxonomies, page templates, WordPress service pages, etc.

3. Dynamic Widgets
Dynamic Widgets gives you full control on which pages a widget will display. It lets you dynamically show or hide widgets on WordPress pages by setting conditional logic rules on a widget with just a few mouse clicks. No knowledge of PHP required. No fiddling around with conditional tags.

4. Script Logic
This plugin lists all JavaScripts and Style sheets with a control field that lets you control CSS & JavaScript files to include only on the pages where you actually need them. The text field lets you use WP’s Conditional Tags, or any general PHP code.

5. Menu Item Visibility Control
Using this plugin you can use WordPress Conditional Tags to enable or disable menu items on the front-end. It works like ‘Widget Logic’ but for menu items. You must insert conditional tags in the “Visibility” box in the menu item options form. You can use any PHP or WordPress functions to build crazy conditions and logics for menu items.

6. Theme Logic
With this plugin you can change the active theme, based on the context. So for example you can change the theme when a category archive is being displayed, or change the theme for specific posts or pages.

7. Widget Logic
This plugin gives every widget an extra control field called “Widget logic” that lets you control the pages that the widget will appear on. The text field lets you use WP’s Conditional Tags, or any general PHP code. There is also an option to add a wordpress ‘widget_content’ filter – this lets you tweak any widget’s HTML to suit your theme without editing plugins and core code.

8. Widget Logic by Path
Widget Logic by Path extends Widget Logic functionality to use URL path pattern based logic. It is similar to Drupal’s “Show block on specific pages” feature. is the wildcard character. By enabling this plugin, Widget Logic default PHP based logic (eval) will be disabled. So if you are concerned about “eval” security, but still need to use Widget Logic, this plugin will be helpful.

9. WP Conditional Shortcodes
This plugin gives content developers shortcode equivalents to the conditional tags that WordPress provides for theme developments. Each shortcode only includes its contents if a certain condition is true.