If you own or operate a business that is striving to have a strong online presence throughout various areas of your city, state, or country, you’ve likely run into questions about how to pinpoint people in those particular areas. While geotargeting with social media can be simple enough, creating content on your website that will reach and resonate with different communities of people over a large geographic area can get a little more complicated. So to help business who are stuck in this boat, here are three tips that will help you design location-specific landing pages to attract customers or clients in whatever areas you’re trying to market to.
Start At The Top
Regardless of what type of business you’re running, whether you offer cleaning services or manage real estate properties, there are likely a few areas that you think are going to be your big ticket places. And according to Moz.com, these big ticket areas are where you should start. While it can be very beneficial to have landing pages for each specific town or area that you work in, it can often seem like too much work to try to crank out all those landing pages at once. But by starting at the top with regards to the areas most searched for online, you can start grabbing those bigger areas before moving onto the smaller ones.
Create The Right Calls To Action
Once you have all the landing pages created that you plan to use for your location-specific keywords, it’s time to design those pages so they’ll convert more visitors. To do this, you’ve got to know how and where to place your calls to action. According to Marcus Miller, a contributor to Search Engine Land, strong, clear calls to action that will help get your visitors to get in touch with you are going to be the most effective. This can either by done by a form fill that generates a lead for you or by displaying your contact information so that the visitors can get in touch with you immediately regarding their questions or comments. Just be sure you make these calls to action big and place them at very visible areas of your pages.
Write Specific Content
On all of those location-specific landing pages that you’ve created, you’ve got to fill up the space with location-specific content. If you just copy and paste your general content onto every page, these location-specific landing pages are going to do you little to no good. So to get the maximum benefit from these pages, Tamar Weinberg, a contributor to CrazyEgg.com, recommends that you write localized content that will resonate with the people who live or work in that area. If you yourself don’t know any real specifics about that area, poll your resources and try to find someone who does and can help you add a little local flavor to each of your landing pages.
If you’re unsure about how to go about creating location-specific landing pages on your website, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just that.