Spotify follows. Whoa, something does not sound right. Looks like someone mistyped, buddy. And that someone is probably you. And I can understand that, you are a young musician, full of energy and excitement. And you want to get more followers so bad, that you barely can type right because of all that excitement. No one i judging you, I understand. So, let’s channel all that energy into something productive – creating new music. Leave followers behind, all your worries about them must be left behind. Do that with paid followers. Just buy them.

Musicians need time to create, and there is no point for you in spending all that time on music promotion. You need followers, and you don’t know how to get them. So, would you rather pay a few dollars and get a huge load of followers in a few days, or spend a few years, learning music promotion methods, and in the end getting only a few followers due to your poor promotion skills? I suppose the answer is obvious here.
How does buying followers work? You select the amount of followers you need on the website of a music promotion company, pay for them, provide a link too your account, and wait. The promotion company entitles its experts to analyze your account and music, to select the right and appropriate promotion method, that will bring the best result in a very short time. Here are some of those methods: social media, ads online, e-mail bursts, partnerships with music labels ad popular musicians, music magazines, etc. Some of these methods are publically available, and some – are not. The majority of methods, unfortunately, can’t be revealed, so you have to trust me, that all those methods that I have or have not mentioned give you real and organic followers, real users, real listeners.
You can now argue with me, saying that you can do all that promotion on your own. And I will not argue with you on that – you can do it. But it will take much more time, and still give much less in the end. Because you on’t know how to influence people’s minds, how to provoke people and motivate them. And music-promotion companies do know that. So if you want safe start – better trust professionals with it.
As soon as you hit the minimal barrier of followers, you will be noticed by Spotify internal promotion system. That algorithm is created only to promote musicians that are already growing. It will place your tracks in popular playlists, user suggestions, top-charts, on Spotify radio, etc. All the places on the app will be yours, and there will be no chance for anyone to miss your track. And the popularity will come, the fame will come. All you have to do is to make the right decision and a single purchase. Is it too much to ask?