20 Best YouTube Widget Plugins for WordPress

YouTube is the most popular website, use to watch and share videos on web. Having YouTube videos on your WordPress blog site is a very simple way to show your viewers a wide range of things. When it comes to YouTube WordPress widgets, there are a lot to choose from. The problem is that a growing number of them either aren’t updated regularly or don’t offer much.

It’s very easy to add YouTube videos to a WordPress Post or a Page. Plop in a bit of embed code or the URL of the video, and you’re all set. Here are the top 20 wordpress free YouTube widgets that you can use without fear. You can download these plugins for free. If you know of others we may have missed, let us know in the comments.

Following are some more related articles that you may like to browse through: Free WordPress Network Plugins, WordPress eCommerce Themes, WordPress Development Tutorials and WordPress Beauty Blog Themes.

1. YouTube


2. Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting

Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting
Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting

3. Youtube to WP Post

Youtube to WP Post
Youtube to WP Post

4. Featured Video Plus

Featured Video Plus
Featured Video Plus

5. Advanced YouTube Embed With Google Analytics

Advanced YouTube Embed With Google Analytics
Advanced YouTube Embed With Google Analytics

6. iframe


7. Audio Tube

Audio Tube
Audio Tube

8. YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel
YouTube Channel

9. Jcwp Youtube Channel Embed

Jcwp Youtube Channel Embed
Jcwp Youtube Channel Embed

10. Sliding Youtube Gallery

Sliding Youtube Gallery
Sliding Youtube Gallery

11. MarcTV Video Embed

MarcTV Video Embed
MarcTV Video Embed

12. Secure HTML5 Video Player

Secure HTML5 Video Player
Secure HTML5 Video Player

13. TubePress


14. Youtube Profile Field

Youtube Profile Field
Youtube Profile Field

15. Easy FancyBox

Easy FancyBox
Easy FancyBox

16. TentBlogger Vimeo, YouTube, RSS Embed

TentBlogger Vimeo, YouTube, RSS Embed
TentBlogger Vimeo, YouTube, RSS Embed

17. Vixy YouTube Embed and Download

Vixy YouTube Embed and Download
Vixy YouTube Embed and Download

18. Smart YouTube PRO

Smart YouTube PRO
Smart YouTube PRO

19. YouList – YouTube Playlist Shortcode

YouList - YouTube Playlist Shortcode
YouList – YouTube Playlist Shortcode

20. Google XML Sitemap for Videos

Google XML Sitemap for Videos
Google XML Sitemap for Videos

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