Every great design is going to responsive day by day. Responsive technology enables the design to behave deferentially in different medias like desktop, iPad, mobiles and others. Responsive sliders are great need to adjust with the responsive themes of WordPress.
Here we have selected 7 free responsive slider plugins for WordPress to beautify your responsive theme. Let have a look and you may be interested in our other articles on Sports WordPress Themes, Retina Free WordPress Theme, WordPress Backup Plugins and Parallax WordPress Themes.
1. Responsive Slider
The Responsive Slider plugin allows you to create slides that consist of linked (to any url) images and titles. The slider would then take those slides and present them as a jQuery-powered slideshow – at a chosen location within your theme, page, or post.
2. WP Orbit Slider
WP Orbit Slider is based around the jQuery Orbit Slider from the excellent team Zurb. It uses a custom post type for each slide and taxonomies to create slider groups. The restriction is one slider per post/page. Dont fill your pages with sliders. Use one. Make it bold and get your message across!
3. SlideDeck 2 Lite Responsive Content Slider
SlideDeck 2 for WordPress is a responsive slider plugin that lets you easily create content sliders out of almost any content. Connect to a variety of Content Sources like YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, WordPress posts and Pinterest to create gorgeous, dynamic sliders in a few clicks – no coding is required.
4. Genesis Responsive Slider
This plugin allows you to create a simple responsive slider that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post.
It includes options for the maximum dimensions of your slideshow, allows you to choose to display posts or pages, what category to pull from, and even the specific post IDs of the posts you want to display. It includes next/previous arrows and a pager along with the option to turn both on or off. Finally, you can place the slider into a widget area.
5. Soliloquy
Soliloquy is by far the best responsive WordPress image slider plugin on the market. Soliloquy is audited by Mark Jaquith, lead developer of WordPress, for security and features the easiest to use and most performance optimized code for an image slider plugin.
By utilizing custom post types, Soliloquy allows you to create an infinite number of responsive image sliders with an infinite number of images in each slider with a few clicks of the mouse.
6. Slyd
Slyd is an easy-to-use, highly-customizable slider plugin for WordPress. There are plenty of plugins out there that allow you to easily insert a slider into your WordPress using a shortcode but they require creating a custom slide for every post you write.
7. Style My Gallery
This plugin will allow a gallery of images pulled from the media library to be displayed using popular scripts.