Bootstrap is a toolkit developed by Twitter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages. There are several wordpress bootstrap widget that directly add the front end framework to the websites. Here are some of the best free Bootstrap widgets for WordPress. These all allow you to connect the simplicity of bootstrap with the most popular CMS.
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Bootstrap Panels
This simple plugin adds bootstrap panels widget to non bootstrap sites also. No extra load on site, this is simplest plugin that will not effect your site’s performance.
Fruitful Shortcodes
If you have any questions or recommendations regarding the functionality of our plugins (existing options, new options, current issues), please feel free to contact us.
CPT Bootstrap Carousel
A custom post type for choosing images and content which outputs a carousel from Twitter Bootstrap using the shortcode [image-carousel]. The plugin assumes that you’re already using Bootstrap, so you need to load the Bootstrap javascript and CSS separately.
Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress
Plenty of great WordPress plugins focus on providing or including the Bootstrap library into your site. Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress assumes you’re working with a theme that already includes Bootstrap 3 and focuses on giving you a great set of shortcodes to use it with.
Cookie Notice
Cookie Notice allows you to elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law regulations.
Easy Responsive Tabs
Easy Responsive Tabs is bootstrap 3.0 compatible plugin which add icons to wordpress editor (tinyMCE Shortcode Buttons) and one can add bootstrap style responsive tabs to their website just by clicking on tinyMCE editor icon.
Easy Bootstrap Shortcode
Easy Bootstrap Shortcode is bootstrap 3.0.3 compatible plugin which add icons to wordpress editor (tinyMCE Shortcode Buttons) and one can add bootstrap style to their website just by clicking on tinyMCE editor icon.
Font Awesome Shortcodes
Font Awesome Shortcodes for WordPress assumes you’re working with a theme that already includes Font Awesome 4 and focuses on giving you a great set of shortcodes to use it with.