Even though small business owners are often encouraged to set up websites, most of them have no clear objectives that they intend to achieve. Designing and implementing a robust digital marketing strategy is no longer enough.
It’s important to set goals if you’re planning to convert visitors to loyal customers and boost ROI. Contrary to popular opinion, setting SMART goals for your website isn’t rocket science. It doesn’t matter whether you’re redesigning or building your website from scratch.
1. Designing SMART website goals
SMART simply means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based. It can serve as a template for making the process less complicated and help you to achieve your goals faster.
- Specific
A website can be used to grow your community, showcase products, create awareness and educate your target audience. One thing that sets successful brands apart from others is that they don’t pursue generic goals.
The best thing is to narrow down your goals and be specific about the target you’re planning to reach. For instance, increasing the conversion rate up to 50% instead of just boosting organic traffic.
- Measurable
Digital marketing offers the opportunity to track metrics like the number of new sign-ups, clicks and page views. Making your goals measurable will serve as a yardstick to measure success and keep everyone on track.
- Attainable
You can design different goals but it’s difficult to achieve anything without action. Highlights the steps that will help you to attain each goal. You can assign tasks to team members at this point. In case the goal is overwhelming, consider breaking it into smaller chunks.
- Realistic
Ascertain whether your goals are realistic or not before choosing any Singapore web design specialists. The website goals should align with your overall business goals and objectives. This will help you to avoid wasting time and money which are limited in most small businesses.
- Time-based
Goals shouldn’t take forever before they are accomplished. Given this, establish specific time-frame for each and work towards it.
2. Collaborate with other team members
Goal mapping usually goes a long way in providing a unique brand experience to target customers. It’s imperative to carry key players along during the planning process as you are bound to get valuable insights.
Schedule a meeting with the heads of each department to know their needs and challenges. You will discover that it’s more rewarding to achieve collective goals.
3. Evaluate your current website performance
A high engagement level doesn’t translate to a high conversion rate if your customers are unable to get useful information. Conduct an audit and check your metrics to know how your website is currently performing. Chances are your website may only require simple changes.
4. Document your goals
Nothing beats writing down goals on paper or digitally. The latter is far safer and support easy collaboration. You can get worksheet templates online to help you develop a clear vision of what you want to achieve.
Your team members will also be motivated to achieve results and think strategically.