Having a site or blog that looks good is a big part of its success. So is navigation and design. But there’s also content to think of. Lots of people with blogs and websites rely solely upon visuals and videos to get people’s attention. But these are in the minority. Writing is still the primary way that information is communicated, and people seem to be reading more and more each day. As such, it’s important to make sure your content is accurate and compelling.
But many studies show that the most important part of content is the title. This means, of course, that you could have the greatest content in the world, but if you don’t have the title to attract interested clickers, few, if any, will read it. Titles do a lot of things, and we’ll break them down below.
1. For one, titles tell an audience what they are about to read. Your title should contain a lot of information in a little space. First of all, it should tell your audience the specific focus of your message, not just the general subject. A subject is something vague, something that a blog might cover generally over the course of weeks or months, like Personal Finance of Healthy Living. An individual blog post’s specific focus will be something a lot less general, like “3 Ways You Are Paying Too Much in Taxes” or “Is an Avocado the Healthiest Fruit in the World?” You can see that these titles give a firm sense of what is contained therein.
2. Your titles should also be interesting but accurate. “5 Current US Senators Who are Guilty of Murder” may be a provocative title, but unless you are actually breaking a story, it’s just a misleading way to get clicks, and your audience is going to realize this quickly. So you’ve got to make sure that the content matches the promise of the title. Don’t be afraid to be edgy in your titling, just make sure the material that follows measures up.
3. Your blog titles should also be short, and focused on SEO. Companies like seo toronto are really helpful in optimizing content for search engine optimization in sophisticated ways. On your own, you can maximize your posts’ search potential by making sure that they contain keyword phrases that actual people type into Google when they want information. In the title of this article, for instance, “catchy titles” is a frequent search term, with “Big Traffic” being a somewhat less frequent one. Google is always searching for new ways to provide their customers with accurate information for their questions, so make sure you make your content targetable by these search aggregators.
Some people really seem to have a knack for catchy titling, but this skill can be learned. If you frequently contribute content to a single location, see if you can find out what your most successful posts are. In most cases, these will be the posts with the best titles. Figure out what you are doing right and wrong, and then just apply your learning to making better titles across the board.